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    1. To provide a platform for interaction between alumni, present students, teachers of the school and school administration.
    2. To bring together all the old students and the Old teachers of ARRMHSS to share their experiences with each other.
    3. To maintain and update the data base of all the alumni of the School and to interact with them.
    4. To utilize the rich experiences of old students of the school for the benefit and progress of the present students.
    5. To make available the expertise and experience of the alumni for the development of research and educational activities of the school.
    6. To provide carrier guidance to the present students in their Endeavour for better employment and higher studies.
    7. To get the valuable advices of the Alumni in the overall development of the school.
    8. To arrange seminars, debates, workshops and also to arrange cultural and social welfare programs.
    9. To plan and implement Welfare Programs /activities with the object of creating self-reliance among the poor and the needy.
    10. To arrange for study tours, education tours, delegation for the member.
    11. To arrange teaching and training classes to the students studying in the school and also to the members to upgrade technical and general skills.
    12. To gather and maintain database of employment information and to assist the members in securing suitable jobs.
    13. To grant Scholarships, Prizes, Monetary assistance, books and/or Stationery to the poor and deserving students, etc.
    14. To maintain website, publish periodical magazines or bulletins with valuable information useful to the members and students.
    15. To involve the members in the overall development of the school and the Society.

    We invite the ARRMHSS Alumni to renew their Association with the ARR MHSS SCHOOL, Kumbakonam by becoming active members of the Alumni Association. The school wishes to involve ARRMHSSians in its Growth and Developmental activities.  Come ‘register’ yourself for the ARRMHSS Alumni Association.

    You can contribute by

    • Organizing career counseling  sessions for the current students
    • Becoming a mentor
    • Offering summer apprenticeship to senior students in your    organization
    • Allowing ARRMHSSians to visit your industrial, business and corporate set ups
    • Becoming resource persons / giving lectures